Register Using The Form

Click on register. You will be redirected to a form where we would ask you about your interests. Then we would organise a personal call with you where we would tell you in detail about the program and understand your current level of knowledge and determine a mentor for you if you are interested.

  • Your information is required to complete the registration
  • It's safe with us and will not be used for marketing

What Will You Learn this mentorship program

  • 1

    Learning Git and Github

    This program would require you to have good knowledge of git and github during and before the program. Don't worry if you have no knowledge about it or have never even wrote a single line of code. We got it all covered. We just need you to have a will to learn

  • 2

    Building your profile

    A good profile is required to get selected into this program as you are competing at a global level. You need to have a profile which shows your experience in software development. We will help you build your github profile and will help you get started on the journey of being an opensource developer

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    Learn to code

    Never written a single line of code ? There is nothing to worry about. In this program we will cover everything which is needed to succeed at this program. We will teach you how to write production grade code. We will tell you what are the things at which students struggle during the program

  • 3

    Get ready for the program and applying

    With the above three steps you will surely become a good candidate for google summer of code. But, to increase your chances even more, you have to distinguish yourself from the crowd. This is where we will help you to be different from others

Who Should Attend This Mentorship program.

This course is for anyone passionate about open source programming, or simply someone who wants to have a coveted title of being a google summer of code participant and want this amazing opportunity to work with great open source organisations, make lifelong contacts and earn enough money to sponsor your college tution for atlest an year. You don't know how to code ? No worries we will take care about it all


Key Takeaways

Knowledge about open source programming

In this mentorship program, you will gain knowledge about open source programming. You will get to know about how to contribute to various organisations. This brings a great boost to your CV.

Knowledge about software development

Open source programming is totally different from the type of code you write in college. It is much more closer to the production grade code, which you have to write when you work at big organisations.

Building a network and communicating with global opensource community

This program will open the world for you. You will be talking to people about code all over the globe. Isn't it exciting ? You will be making great connections which will help you lifelong and will bring unforseable opportunities to you.

Ways to contact organisations

We will tell you how to effectively engage in conversation with organisations' mentors. We will help you create your proposals and which will help you get selected into the program.